Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why is it so difficult to dunk?

Learning the movement is CRITICAL. I have very strong palming ability (palm 2 size 7 balls at once and palm off the bounce on a size 7). You need to continue practicing dunks as well as takeoff style and angle as well how you dunk. For me, I jump 2 feet so when I dunk I take 2/3 quick steps whilst dribbling and then just before takeoff squeeze the ball in both hands, jump off both feet as mentioned and at the apex of the jump I switch it to my dominant hand. The easiest place to dunk from is a small angle from the basket on your dominant side or head on with the hoop. The closer to the baseline the harder it is to dunk. You need a stronger palm it seems, work on your grip strength, I can dunk on just 6 inches below my max touch, I can BARELY touch a 10 foot rim and not hang off yet I can dunk on a 9.5 foot hoop with size 7 ball with 1 arm and a 9.25 with both arms and this is no travelling and just me and the ball no alley oops.

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