Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So I have Pearly Penile Papules?

So I'm in love with my girlfriend and we are close to having sex ( please no "you should be married first answers") but I have PPP and I went to the doctor to confirm it and I have already had every STD test in the book, all negative results. PPP is not contagious, if you don't know what I'm talkin about, they are small bumps on the rim of the head of the penis, some cases are really bad where the entire rim are covered with PPP, but mine arnt that noticeable, but I I get really close intimate, she is going to notice, so I want to warn her and tell her that I have this skin condition so she is not freaked, surprised, and fearful that it's an STD cause it's not. However, how do I go about telling her this, I'm so in love with her that it would kill me to have her not want to be intimate all of a sudden due to some stupid, harmless bumps, so what do I do/say?

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